5 Ways to Stay Healthy While Working Online
Working remotely/online comes with its own set of unique challenges. Some of these can even affect your health. However, it is very much possible to set up a lifestyle where you can stay healthy while working online.
Exercise is one of those things we should be doing anyway. However, it’s even more crucial that you are doing it if you are working online. Chances are, most of the day you are sitting at your desk working and you’re not moving very much. Leading a sedentary lifestyle can lead to health issues down the line.
Exercising for even 30 minutes a day, a few times a week can greatly reduce your risk of certain health issues later. Plus, people who exercise tend to be less tired, more focused, and more productive. It’s a simple thing that can have many benefits.
Drink Water
It’s recommended that the average adult drink at least eight 8-oz glasses of water every day. This will help you stay hydrated and make your body run better.
To make sure you are drinking enough water, fill up a bottle and keep it next to you. It’s a lot easier to actually drink water if you don’t have to get a new glass every time you are thirsty. Instead, just reach over and take a few sips once in a while. If you are thirsty, your body is telling you you’re already getting dehydrated. So stay ahead of the game on this one.
Take a Break Once in a While
As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to feel like you need to keep going constantly. While it’s good to be driven, sometimes we can take it too far. Every once in a while you need a break in order to stay healthy, mentally and physically.
A good time to take a break is at lunch. Instead of eating whatever snacks are by your workspace as you continue to work, take an actual lunch break. Make yourself a healthy lunch and eat it somewhere other than your desk.
Taking a break allows your mind to reset. Plus, a healthy lunch will refuel your body and give you the energy you need for the rest of the day.
Make Your Work Area Ergonomic
If you’re sitting at your desk working every day, it’s a good idea to set it up so it will be comfortable. Find a chair and a desk that are of compatible heights. Alternatively, you could find a standing desk or a balance ball chair. Either way, you’ll want to be able to sit up straight, with your wrists and elbows at a comfortable angle.
Another helpful thing is to raise your monitor height. If you have a laptop sitting on top of your desk, chances are, your neck is bent over looking at it all day. Invest in a monitor riser, or even a stack of books. Having your screen at a height that is more level with your eyes will allow you to save the neck pain.
Be Social
Being an entrepreneur can be lonely. You may not have any coworkers to talk with. However, having a social group can be crucial to your mental health.
You could find friends nearby and meet up with them every once in a while. This will give you the chance to have people to talk and have fun with.
It can also be helpful to strengthen your relationships with family and friends back “home.” If you’re feeling lonely, pick up the phone and call someone. It is also super easy to simply video chat with someone which can be even more helpful.
What are some of the ways that you ensure you stay healthy while working online?

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