7 Reasons You’re Not Using Your Library as Much as You Should
When was the last time you visited your local library? For many people, it may have been in grade school. So chances are, you’re missing a ton of (probably, free) benefits offered by your public library. See what they are, then take a trip over!
We all know libraries have books. I mean, that is what they are known for. However, do you know the sheer vastness of the number and kinds of books they have? In many libraries, you can find a book on nearly any topic. Plus, most libraries keep up to date on what the latest bestsellers are. So, you can read that book you’ve been hearing about without having to drop $15+ on it. (You just may need to place a hold on it if it’s a really popular book.)
Here’s a tip, if your local library is part of a system (perhaps a county or large city), yours can share books with others in the same system. You just have to request it, and they’ll send the book to your library in a few days.
Movies & TV Shows
I don’t know about you, but I have a long list of movies I need to see. Netflix has a lot, but there are definitely some missing. Your library most likely has a ton of movies and tv shows you should see. The next time you want to watch a movie, browse around your library and see what’s there. Chances are, you’ll probably even run into some recently released blockbusters.
Many libraries have large CD sections with everything ranging from pop to soundtracks. The wide range can make it a little daunting to look through your options, but the endless variety is worth it. Start by picking up a CD with a song you know you like and seeing what else is on the album.
Planning a roadtrip and need some new music to listen to? Why not try out a new CD that you can pop in your car? It beats using up your data to stream music or having to pay per song. Plus, you can listen to a variety of songs you may not have listened to otherwise.
Courses & Seminars
The courses and seminars available at your local library is probably the best hidden secret. The offerings will vary, but they could be anything from language courses to cooking seminars. They are usually free, but occasionally may require a small fee.
One of the most common and helpful types are career seminars. My local library regularly has resume and interviewing workshops. These are great to get some feedback while you’re looking to get into a new career.
Free Downloadable Music
Free downloadable music is not something I would’ve expected to find at a library. However, many times, your library may make partnerships with companies that offer services like these. Mine is linked with Freegal. This service, which is free to anyone with a local library card, lets you download five songs (to keep) for free each month. How can you not beat free legal music?
Ebooks are great when you want to access a book quickly or don’t want to carry a physical book around. Another partnership your library might offer is with an ebook provider. With these services, you can read ebooks on your computer or tablet. It’s particularly helpful if you’re waiting somewhere or perhaps traveling.
Online Subscriptions
Want to learn a skill to help with a job? How about a foreign language? Libraries can offer access to online subscriptions such as Lynda and Mango. These programs allow you to access online courses or videos where you can learn a wide variety of useful skills.
So now that you’ve discovered the best kept secrets at your local library, make sure you visit. Most libraries offer a membership for free or a very small fee. So see what you’ve been missing out on!

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