• Federal Taxes for Freelancers
    Money,  Work

    Income Taxes for Freelancers

    As a freelancer, your tax situation changes a bit compared to if you were an employee. This means you need to take care of your own income taxes and make sure you have a system to deal with them. We’ll…

  • How to Handle Your Taxes as a Freelancer
    Money,  Work

    How to Handle Taxes as a Freelancer

    Once you become a freelancer, you have to worry about a few things you didn’t as an employee. One of the biggest things is your taxes. As an employee, your taxes are deducted right out of your paycheck. You just…

  • Supplemental Income
    Money,  Work

    6 Ways to Earn Easy Supplemental Income

    Everyone needs a way to earn supplemental income. This allows you to have a little bit of extra money that you can spend for fun or random purchases. There are numerous ways that you can do this. You could get…

  • Getting Started as a Freelance Writer

    How to Get Started as a Freelance Writer

    As you may or may not know, I am a freelance writer. I decided that this would be a way to allow me to be location independent, have a decent income, and do something I enjoy. However, when I first…

  • Teach English Online

    Why I Chose to Teach English Online with VIPKID

    When we first decided to become location independent, I knew it would be hard to do it quickly and effectively. It takes time to build any business. We were building our businesses, but it would take a while before it…

  • Women Owned

    How to Become Certified as a Women Owned Business

    As a woman running a business, you can sometimes feel like you are at a disadvantage. Luckily, the government and other organizations have created programs that assist women owned businesses. These programs can provide a wide range of benefits that…