Writing the Perfect Business Plan: Executive Summary
Now that you have completed every other piece of your business plan, it is time to move onto the executive summary. This section, although placed at the beginning, should be written last. This is because you will summarize all of the key information. Read on to see what you should include in the executive summary.
Company Information
This paragraph should briefly outline key points about your company. Information such as this adds relevancy and authority to your company. This section will help make your company look more promising.
- Who is involved in your business (owners, key employees)?
- What is the business structure?
- How long have you been in business?
- What else have you accomplished as a company?
Briefly describe your product or service. Include any relevant information that the reader should know from the beginning. Also, include your competitive advantage – why would someone choose yours over someone else’s product/service? This should be a brief introduction to your product/service offering.
Marketing Plan Overview
This part of the executive summary will have to be greatly stripped down compared to the full section. Include the most relevant and key information about your marketing plan. This does not have to be very detailed, but should instead provide a brief glimpse into your plan.
This section is optional. However, if your business plan is being presented to stakeholders, it can help them see where you want your business to go in the future. Include three to five SMART goals here.
Required Resources
Again, this section is optional. If you are using your plan to apply for resources such as loans, it can provide a brief “ask” to clue your reader into what you need. They can see what you are looking for and how it will help your business.
Be sure to include the type of resource, amount, and reason for each resource.
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